A grown-up puppy

October 16, 2023

A grown-up puppy is a puppy that is over 4 months old.

It is usually between 5 and 12 months old.

Myth 1. The puppy must be sick and therefore no one bought it.

If you have chosen a responsible breeder, it is unlikely that he will deceive you into buying a sick puppy older than 4 months, especially since at this age the state of health is very clear.

You will find weak and sick puppies from irresponsible "breeders" at a cheaper price and without club documents, possibly only with a veterinary passport and two vaccinations.

This does not guarantee the health of the puppy. Mostly, it is in "pseudo-feeding" that sick and weak puppies really stay.

Myth 2 - A puppy that has been raised is cheaper because it has been overstaying its welcome.

This is an extremely difficult opinion to break.

In fact, just imagine how much work the breeder has done to raise and give you a socialised puppy that is accustomed to walks, to the leash, walks well at your feet and does not destroy the house, as the teeth have already changed.

Most importantly, it is accustomed to going to the toilet outside.

Such puppies are more expensive because they have the most valuable thing a person has - time and love.

It happens that the future owner cannot pick up the booked puppy at the age of 3 months, then he pays for its feeding, care and upbringing until the agreed age.

Myth 3 - It is impossible to "re-educate" a grown puppy.

You will not have the desire to "over-educate",

if you have been looking for a responsible, reliable breeder who has a puppy training programme that suits you.

If you were looking for a cheaper xolo, without documents and responsibility, then there may be gaps in the socialisation of such a puppy and many character problems that are practically impossible to correct.

Myth 4 - A grown puppy will be sad.

With an experienced breeder, puppies are socialised and accustomed to a change of scenery. The breeder knows the secrets that he will definitely share with you, how to make the move to a new home as comfortable and least traumatic for the dog as possible.

The only one who is always sad about separation is the breeder. Because we can cope with dogs, but not with our emotions.

And remember that the best and most beautiful puppies are the grown-up puppies. Because the breeder kept them to reveal the potential he saw in them earlier.

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Is a mono-breed Miniature Xolo kennel. 
We know everything about the Xolo breeding and even more. 
We choose only the best Xolo bloodlines in the world for the breeding purpose in our kennel. 
Our graduates live in more than 10 countries in Europe, the USA and Canada.  
All our breeding dogs get tested for genetic diseases and are in excellent health condition.